Friday, February 11, 2011


This inward conflict

(Philpot, "The Knowledge of Good and Evil" 1845)

"I know that nothing good lives in me—that is, in

my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what

is good—but I cannot carry it out." Romans 7:18

Now it is this which makes the Lord's people such a

burdened people—that makes them so oppressed in

their souls as to cry out against themselves daily,

and sometimes hourly—that they are what they are

—that they would be spiritual, yet are carnal—that

they would be holy, yet are unholy—that they would

have sweet communion with Jesus, yet have such

sensual alliance with the things of time and sense—

that they would be Christians in word, thought, and

deed; yet, in spite of all, they feel their carnal mind,

their wretched depravity intertwining, interlacing,

gushing forth—contaminating with its polluted stream

everything without and within—so as to make them

sigh, groan, and cry being burdened, "What a wretched

man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?"

Romans 7:24

He would not be entangled in these snares for ten thousand

worlds—he hates the evils of his heart, and mourns over the

corruptions of his nature. They make the tear fall from his

eye, and the sob to heave from his bosom—they make him

a wretched man—and fill him day after day with sorrow,

bitterness, and anguish.

None but a saved soul, under divine teaching, can see

this evil—and mourn and sigh under the depravity, the

corruption, the unbelief, the carnality, the wickedness,

and the deceitfulness of his evil heart.

This inward conflict, this sore grief, this internal burden,

that all the family of God are afflicted with—is an evidence

that the life and grace of God are in their bosoms.

"Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord!

So you see how it is—in my mind I really want to obey

God's law, but because of my sinful nature I am a

slave to sin." Rom. 7:25