Sunday, May 8, 2022

It would fall infinitely short

 “If every leaf and spire of grass, nay, all the stars, sands, and atoms, were so many souls and seraphims, whose love should double in them every moment to all eternity,

“yet would it fall infinitely short of what is due to his worth and excellency.
“Suppose a creature composed of all the choice endowments that ever dwelt in the best of men since the creation of the world, in whom you find a meek Moses, a strong Sampson, a faithful Jonathan, a beautiful Absalom, a rich and wise Solomon, nay, and add to this, the understanding, strength, agility, splendor, and holiness of all the angels,
“it would all amount to but a dark shadow of this incomparable Jesus.”
— A “Mr. Jenkin,” cited in Flavel’s Fountain of Life

Monday, May 2, 2022


 John Flavel, on the believer pleading for assurance on the ground of the preciousness of Christ’s blood:

“Lord, I am not only thy creature, but thy redeemed creature; one that thou hast bought with a great price: O, I have cost thee dear! for my sake Christ came from thy bosom,
“and is it imaginable, that after that thou hast in such a costly way, even by the expense of the precious blood of Christ, redeemed me, thou shouldst at last exclude me? Shall the ends of both creation and redemption of this soul be lost together?
“…will [God] be content, when sin has marred the frame, and defaced the glory of [the soul], to recover it to himself again, by the death of his own dear Son, and after all this, cast it away as if there were nothing in all this?
“‘Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit:’ I know thou wilt have a respect to the work of thy hands; especially to a redeemed creature, upon which thou hast expended so great sums of love, which thou hast bought at so dear a rate.”