Saturday, December 30, 2023


 Puritan Thomas Brooks, on the best motive for killing sin:

“There were five monks that were studying what was the best means to mortify sin. One said, to meditate on death; the second, to meditate on judgement; the third, to meditate on the joys of heaven; the fourth, to meditate on the torments of hell;

the fifth, to meditate on the blood and sufferings of Jesus Christ: and certainly, the last is the 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘵 and 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 motive of all to the mortifying of sin.”

—The Works of Thomas Brooks, 2:379

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Define the Good News in 10 Words.

 As always, this material can be altered, edited, improved, critiqued, expanded, and not hastily embraced, but I asked chatgpt: Give 10 definitions of the gospel but only use 10 words per definition. And this is what I was given back.

1. **Good News:** God's redemption through Christ's atoning sacrifice for sinners.
2. **Salvation:** Grace-fueled reconciliation with God, not earned but freely received.
3. **Repentance:** Turning from sin, embracing Christ for forgiveness and transformation.
4. **Faith:** Trusting Christ alone for salvation, abandoning self-righteousness and works.
5. **Regeneration:** Holy Spirit's renewal, birthing a new life in believers.
6. **Atonement:** Jesus' substitutionary death, satisfying divine justice for human sin.
7. **Adoption:** Believers becoming God's children, heirs of eternal promises.
8. **Justification:** God declaring the guilty righteous through faith in Christ.
9. **Reconciliation:** Restored relationship with God, ending enmity through Christ's mediation.
10. **Eternal Life:** Gift of unending communion with God for redeemed believers 10 more.

1. **Holiness:** Transformation to Christlikeness, empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit. 2. **Grace:** Undeserved favor, God's unmerited kindness freely bestowed on sinners. 3. **Kingdom:** God's reign established, inaugurated by Christ's redemptive work. 4. **Resurrection:** Christ's triumph over death, assuring believers' future resurrection. 5. **Mission:** Spreading Gospel globally, making disciples for Christ's kingdom expansion. 6. **Sanctification:** Ongoing process, believers becoming more like Christ through Spirit's work. 7. **Sacrifice:** Christ's selfless offering, securing forgiveness and reconciliation with God. 8. **Testimony:** Believers' witness, sharing transformed lives through the Gospel's power. 9. **Commission:** Christ's directive to proclaim Gospel, making disciples of all nations. 10. **Hope:** Confident expectation, rooted in Christ's return and eternal promises.

Monday, December 11, 2023


 In weeks ahead it would be a great Christian ministry to provide Biblical responses to all these categories as the pressures we will face through life will come from multiple directions.

Question: What does it mean to be demoralized? Answer: To be demoralized generally refers to a state of losing confidence, hope, or morale. In the context of personal or societal aspects, it can be characterized by a sense of discouragement, disheartenment, or a decline in motivation.
Here's a list of factors that might lead to demoralization:
Repetitive Failures: Facing consistent setbacks and failures in personal or professional endeavors.
Financial Struggles: Experiencing economic challenges, job loss, or financial instability.
Health Issues: Coping with chronic illness, disability, or persistent health concerns.
Relationship Problems: Navigating difficulties in interpersonal relationships, such as conflicts or breakups.
Unemployment: Dealing with the stress and uncertainty associated with being unemployed.
Educational Challenges: Struggling academically, feeling overwhelmed, or facing learning difficulties.
Isolation: Feeling socially isolated or lacking meaningful connections with others.
Loss of Loved Ones: Grieving the death of family members or close friends.
Burnout: Experiencing emotional and physical exhaustion due to prolonged stress or overwork.
Discrimination: Facing prejudice or discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or other factors.
Existential Crisis: Questioning the meaning and purpose of life, especially during major life transitions.
Loneliness: Feeling a lack of companionship and meaningful relationships.
Trauma: Coping with the aftermath of traumatic events, such as accidents, violence, or abuse.
Crisis of Identity: Struggling with self-identity and a sense of purpose in life.
Social Comparison: Constantly comparing oneself to others and feeling inadequate.
Perceived Injustice: Witnessing or experiencing injustice and feeling powerless to address it.
Global Issues: Overwhelm and despair stemming from global challenges like climate change, pandemics, or geopolitical tensions.
Cultural Pressures: Navigating societal expectations and pressures that conflict with personal values.
Lack of Fulfillment: Feeling unfulfilled in career, hobbies, or personal pursuits.
Aging Concerns: Coping with the challenges and changes associated with aging.
Imposter Syndrome: Feeling like a fraud or doubting one's abilities and accomplishments.
Lack of Control: Experiencing situations beyond one's control and feeling helpless.
Uncertain Future: Facing an uncertain and unpredictable future.
Technology Overload: Feeling overwhelmed by the constant connectivity and information overload in the digital age.
Natural Disasters: Dealing with the aftermath of natural disasters and their impact on personal and community well-being.
May we renew our mind with God's grace, faithfulness, power, love, promise, and sovereignty; Looking unto Jesus and feeding upon His Word. Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world.