Wednesday, October 5, 2011

rough draft

Arminians ask "Why witness if God has already determined who will be saved?"; But in reality such a question is that of an Open Theist! Because if God foreknows (using the foresee fallacy) who will say "yes" then our witnessing cannot "increase" those who will be saved; So why does the Arminian witness if it does not increase who says "yes"; To avoid open-theism, the Arminian must answer, "Because God knew before the foundation of the world who will choose Him, and God uses the means of witnessing to accomplish His end." Whereas the Calvinist answers, "Because God knew before the foundation of the world whom He has chosen, and God uses the means of witnessing to accomplish His end." The number of converts will be the same in either system, because God's knowledge is the same in either system. (unless of course one is really an Open Theist, and God's knowledge is mutable or wrong; as a side note, Arminians might not be aware that they make God's knowledge to be "deductive", where God is learning who will become elect by examination of results, which means at one point He was not omniscient.) Arminians might argue, "evangelism cannot increase the elect, and failure of evangelism cannot decrease the elect;" Such observations are skewed, for it could be equally stated to Arminians "in your system evangelism cannot increase the elect, and failure of evangelism cannot decrease the elect.", otherwise God's knowledge is wrong and mutable. (Hence the pathway to Open Theism, which one writer aptly called atheism in disguise) ------ Obedience to God is never a fool's errand. Obedience through the grace and glory of Christ is pleasing to God. God's pleasure is not based on human results. When God calls you to love your enemy, you obey, God does not determine your success based on the reaction of your enemy. God calls us to proclaim Christ, success is obedience to proclaim Christ; God does not determine your success on the basis of-- if men decide to meet the conditions of God for regeneration while you proclaim Him. (btw, Did you meet the conditions of God for regeneration, were you able to do that?)