Monday, April 9, 2012

Do you credit God

Do you credit God for your faith, or do you credit your self?  Do you credit God for the application of your faith on the proper person and object, or do you credit your self?  Was you regeneration based upon a condition that you were able to meet, or solely based on the grace of God found in the person and blood of Jesus Christ?

Can God save someone physically before He saves them spiritually? Yes, and He does so often. Can God save a man before He glorifies them eternally? Yes, and He does so often. Can God save someone before they believe? Yes. What is regeneration? A salvation from a stony heart to a heart of flesh, salvation from spiritual blindness, to spiritual sight, salvation from spiritual deafness to spiritual hearing, salvation from spiritual insanity to that of a sound mind. 

 Romans 10 itself, like Romans 1-9, is EXTREMELY FULL of the man's rejection of God. Romans 10 is replete with how the Jews did not have faith in God. So those born as Gentiles who were born without a clue of the Hebrew Language, Hebrew Text, who did not see Jesus heal, speak, and minister, must have a mountain of pride to assert, "those Jews made the wrong decision to believe Jesus, but it makes sense to me, and I cannot credit God with my faith, I have got to credit myself for believing; which therefore was prior to my salvation. May we never credit our self for either "our faith and believing" or the "application of faith"; either the Father granted me faith on the grounds of Jesus and the merit of His Blood, or the Father granted me the new birth on the grounds of something I contributed, namely "my faith" being the pivotal linchpin to meet God's condition for regeneration; in this case regeneration is no longer of grace, but of works, and one will have reason to boast not only before other unbelieving Jews, but even before God Himself. Look at me, my faith my the distinguishing difference; I cannot imagine that Isaac was born to Abraham instead of Pharaoh because Isaac did something future his conception; likewise for John the Baptist leaping in the womb;