Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Enjoying of Knowing and The Enjoying of Obeying

God is glorified most not merely by being known, nor by merely being dutifully obeyed, but by being enjoyed in the knowing and the obeying. The Enjoying of Knowing God. The Enjoying of Obeying God. The Enjoying of Knowing about God. If you did not "know about" a Car's Radio, then you would not "Know the Car" fully, nor "Enjoy the Car fully." If you did not "know about" the "Speed Limit sign", then you would not "Know the Law" fully, nor "Enjoy the Road fully." You remained driving 35 mph when you could have driven 65 mph, because you did not "know about freedom" (loss) You remained driving 65 mph when you crashed off the road in a curvy 35 mph zone, because you did not "know about the law which is designed for your good and safety." (loss)