Monday, November 5, 2018


Choice pithy sayings of William Tiptaft (1803-1864)

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Many who died last year are in Hell, who never committed half the sins some of you have!

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It is of God's grace, if we differ from the mirthful and foolish multitude around us.

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The world, in its various shapes--is Christ's great enemy!

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"God knows best!" and "May Your will be done!" are hard lessons to learn!

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If you were to go about telling people that you had an inheritance worth a million worlds, and yet were out of temper for a trifle--they would not believe you.

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We come into the world crying,
we go through it complaining,
and we go out of it groaning!

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O Lord, deliver us from everything that may entangle our affections and harden our hearts.
Grant that we may hold the world with a loose hand.

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If I love money more than Christ--then woe is me!

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Pride and covetousness cling very close to us--they influence us more than we can imagine.

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If rich men only knew when they died, how . . .
  their relatives would scramble for their money,
  the worms would scramble for their bodies, and
  the devil would scramble for their souls,
they would not be so anxious to save money!

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It is a bad sign when a minister has the smiles of worldly professors.

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O Lord, keep our hearts, keep our eyes, keep our feet, and keep our tongues.

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Lord, teach us more what we are by nature--and what we are by grace.

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If the way to Heaven is so narrow, and so few find it--then what will become of those who never seek it?

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Are you ready to shake hands with death?

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Have you ever esteemed it a mercy--that you are out of Hell?

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Let worldly minds the world pursue,
It has no charms for me;
Once I admired its trifles too,
But grace has set me free!

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I have no stone to cast at the vilest of the vile.
It is all of grace that I am made to differ!