Friday, September 17, 2021


There is a difference between growing worse and worse, and thy seeing more clearly how bad thou art.

—John Bunyan, Works 1.287

 We are sinful out of measure, but see it not to the full, until an hour of temptation comes. But when it comes, it does as a painter does, sketching out our heart… yet the sight of what we are should not keep us from coming to Jesus Christ.

—John Bunyan, Works 1.287

There is a difference between growing worse and worse, and thy seeing more clearly how bad thou art.
—John Bunyan, Works 1.287There is a difference between growing worse and worse, and thy seeing more clearly how bad thou art.
—John Bunyan, Works 1.287

There is a difference between growing worse and worse, and thy seeing more clearly how bad thou art.
—John Bunyan, Works 1.287

There is a difference between growing worse and worse, and thy seeing more clearly how bad thou art.
—John Bunyan, Works 1.287