Monday, June 20, 2022



There are seasons in everyone’s life when it isn’t easy, even for Christians, to believe that God is faithful. Our faith is greatly tested, our eyes are filled with tears, and we can no longer distinguish the work of His love. Our ears are distracted by the noises of the world, harassed by Satan's atheist whispers, and we can no longer hear the sweet accents of his still, peaceful voice. Longed plans have fallen apart, friends we trusted have failed us, someone who professed to be a brother or sister in Christ has betrayed us. We're dumbfounded. We wanted to be faithful to God, and now a dark cloud hides him from our sight.


It is difficult for us, yes, even impossible for reasons carnal, harmonize your severe providence with your grace-filled promises. Oh, you feeeling soul, fellow pilgrim who has been harshly tested, seek grace to heed what Isaiah 50:10 says: “Who is there among you that feareth the LORD, and heareth the voice of his servant? He who walks in darkness and lacks light, trusts in the name of the Lord, and rely on his God


When you are tempted to doubt God’s faithfulness, cry out, “Get back, Satan.” Although you cannot harmonize the mysterious dealings of God with the declarations of His love, wait on Him until you receive more light. At the right time it will be seen clearly. “What I am doing, you do not understand now; but you will understand later” (John 13:7). What will come next will prove that God has not abandoned or deceived His son. "But the Lord will wait to have mercy on you, and therefore he will be exalted having mercy on you: for the Lord is the God of judgment: blessed are all that wait for him" (Isa. 30:18).


Do not judge the Lord with the weakness of senses, Instead, trust that he will make you the object of his grace, Behind a providence that frowns the frown Hides a smiling face.


Saints that you fear, weapons of new courage, The clouds that terrorize you so much, They are full of mercy, and they will break in pouring blessings upon your heads. "