Thursday, March 2, 2023

Unity of the Law

1st Tweet: As a Christian would you vote to pass a law for a day of rest on Sundays (Sabbath law)?

2nd Tweet: How would our Sunday’s be different if nothing was open? A mandatory day of rest by law shouldn’t be seen as wrong by anyone.


Should someone (we) see it as wrong to: "put to death all those who break a mandatory day of rest." How should our enforcement of Sunday be any different. If we cite the existence of the day from the OT, should we not also cite the enforcement of the day from the OT as well? I'm just trying to be consistent. How can I (you) cite OT law for making the Lord's Day rest mandatory, but then I (you) abandon the OT law for making the enforcement of Lord's Day law (punishment/death). I don't so how I (anyone) can pick, then abandon. If we break civil laws today as members or as elders/mayors (in society, in a local congregation) are we immoral? If we are not immoral for violating OT civil law, which is no longer binding, how can we be immoral for violating a civil law that God never inspired?

 2nd, God gave us a civil law, saying we want one is saying we want God's civil law. If the moral law is not up for discussion, and the civil law is "supposed to be" the same as God's, then I don't suddenly see the freedom to say, the judicial law is "whatever man decides"

3rd, If a female "preaches" and the elders do not enact church discipline. We cannot say, civil laws allow her to preach, judicial laws do not enact punishment, so both the lady and elders were "moral", since civil and judicial laws were kept. Both Violations were immoral.

Does Rom. 13 say Rome is bound to OT Civil law? Paul wasn't trying to get'em to adopt it. Why should I submit to your personal desire to impose a civil law on Rome, that God/Paul doesn't impose, nor Rome has on their civil law books. YOU can't pick-n-choose what parts of OT civil law "you'd" like to vote in.

You "propose legislation." On what basis should I align to your proposal. God's law is abrogated. Rome's Law is "already" THE Law. If Rome isn't bound to all God's civil law, then they're not bound to your proposed portion of civil law; I'm not bound by your proposals either.

I said "citizens...want to" (meaning their proposals cannot bind my conscience._ Citizens...want to...impose higher taxes, that aren't law yet. Must I align with their proposals? No. Why must I align with you proposals?

You: Rome and Todd, I ask you to align with my proposals for altering Rome's Civll-Judicial laws.

Me and Rome: Why.

You: Because God's Moral law requires obeying the Lord's Day.

Me and Rome: Does God's Moral require obeying "the Civil Laws of God".

You: No.

Me: Then we shall not adhere to either God's Civil law or your proposal.
