Thursday, May 25, 2023

Confession, What is.

 "One of the genuine marks of being a Christian is not sinless perfection. One of the greatest marks of Genuine Christianity is that when we sin we are sensitive to it, and that sensitivity leads us to contrition and brokenness and ultimately confession. Christians are confessional people, and that does not just mean that we confess Jesus as Lord, but we are constantly agreeing with the Lord about our selves. The word confession, homologeo means, “to speak the same thing.” That God speaks to you through His Word and says, “You have anger in your heart.” Confession is not “Lord forgive me for my sins.”

Confession is “Lord I hear you and I speak the same thing.” “You say I have anger in my heart. You say I was proud at that moment. Lord I speak back to you the same thing. I agree with you about me. I confess that what you tell me is right and I repent.”
~ Paul Washer